I'm looking for new clients, for my software engineering and smart home consultancy business. Please visit this page for more information.
What I'm Working On
I tend to flit between a number of different personal projects, based on whatever I have time for and/or am passionate about. Here they are!
Stuff I'm working on as much as possible, or right now!

TalkFlare is designed to solve a problem. There are many people who struggle to talk to those they care about - a common reason for this is often due to anxiety for doing so, which can come to a head when attempting to start a conversation. TalkFlare is designed to make this task, of starting a conversation, a little bit easier.

Oliver's Projects
Arguably the most active personal project of the lot, Oliver's Projects is a weekly series on YouTube chronicling, well... a lot of things. I've made videos with friends, I've made videos for comedy, I've made videos for serious effect, and, most often - I talk about my projects. That's the goal, anyway.
Stuff I'm working on when I have time, or may have shelved for later.

Discord Bots
I am a developer of multiple chatbots for the social messaging service Discord - I strive with these bots to create new & innovative features, that have yet to be seen in such a form on the medium.
Current Projects: Sapphire, Prometheus
Prodigy (Home automation via Home Assistant)
I've been working for several years now to try and create the most cohesive and "cool" home automation system I physically can. It might never be truly finished, but here's part of Prodigy's story.
I've been slowly working on designs for a social media that actively endorses and engages positive practices in social media. It's in very early stages, and quite low down the chain, but I've been looking into the idea.